Tempo 18 October 2020
/in Articles /by antonius

Kompas 11 October 2020
/in Articles /by antonius
Kompas 10 June 2020
/in Articles /by antonius
Nanjing Art Fair – Media Press
/in Articles /by antoniusTF Gallery, Shanghai represents a Solo exhibition of Antonius Kho, at Nanjing Art Fair International, “Innovative Famous City, Beautiful Ancient Capital”, 14 – 17 December 2019, Hall2, Nanjing International Expo Centre, China.
Vernissage 10.11.2019 Galerie Hirschheydt, Berlin
/in Articles /by antoniusIn Khos Bildern treffen sich Ost unt West. Die Erdtöne seiner Bilder, die Anspielungen auf Masken und Wayang Figuren schöpfen aus der reichen Kultur seiner Heimat Java. Die fast kubistische Auflösung der Flächen zeigt den Einfluss westlicher Kunst. Alles fliesstzuammen in ausdrucksstar ken Bildern, die einen Eindruck von der Seele Indonesiens geben.
In Khos paintings, East meets West. The earthy tones of his
pictures, the allusions to masks and Wayang figures, draw from the rich
culture of his native Java. The almost Cubist resolution of the flats
shows the influence of Western art. Everything flows together in
expressive pictures that give an impression of the soul of Indonesia.
Contact Antonius Kho
P.O. Box 155, Ubud
Bali – Indonesia 80571
Mobile / WA
+628183496247 or +6281338728483
© 2022 Copyright – Antonius Kho – Paintings and Sculptures